Hello people,
I have always wanted to create my own blog to share my experience with people online but I never actually did it because of my fear that nobody would actually wanted to read what I wrote. However, during the MCO I couldn't get my mind of this idea of me having my own blog and express myself in a place where I feel so comfortable to share my passion.
I do have other social media platform Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and latest TikTok, but somehow I don't really feel safe expressing myself there. I feel like by having my own blog, I get to write very long caption to certain picture without making other people annoying. Plus, it required a little extra effort to get to here. I mean I can plug this blog link on my social media, but only those who really interested to know about my life would click the link. If you're reading this right now, thank you very much for putting that little extra effort. I really appreciate that.
I have some idea of the content of this blog would be, it is massively shown in the header in case you're still wondering. I just thought it will be fun writing about thing I genuinely have passion for and share my experience with others. I hope it may help other people or maybe just for you to get to know me better since I am quite shy person with people I am not familiar with. Let's be friend (insert yellow heart).
Before that, I wanted to share the difficulty I face trying to set up this blog. Initially, I wanted to use Wixsite but it took forever for my laptop to load so I give up with that. I already edit some picture for my homepage as soon as I wanted to publish the blog it just load non-stop. I take it really bad up to a point I wanted to give up the whole idea of me having my own blog but then I was thinking it is such a waste to give up my dream just like that. So here we are, using blogger instead.
That's all for this post and stay safe everyone. See you in my next post.
*This picture was edited for the Wixsite homepage, so might as well use it here.
Hai..nice ❤️mama