Isnin, 26 Julai 2021

Graduating Soon

 I am doing the final report for my degree now. It feel surreal how 5 years when by so fast. It seem like only yesterday I come here. Ya Allah, blessed the beautiful soul that has help to survive my university life. May Allah reward you guys with abundance of rizq for your kindness towards me. 

I am going to miss my friend here in UTP. The sad thing is we might not see each other after this. Especially with all this covid. Everyone is coming from different background some even come from different country. 

It only hit me now. 

I will surely miss my friend, I was thinking of pursuing master in the same uni. However, That will not be an excuse for me not to be sad. In fact, the memories I had with my friend will come back to me like a collidoscope of memories. 

Change is the only constant. Soon this era would come to end. I am suck at moving on. I may seem like I dont feel a thing but the truth is, I feel things very deeply but my lack of expression shows otherwise. 

Meet some people and it was life changing, forever. You know who you are. Thank you for all the memories. 

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