Isnin, 2 Ogos 2021

Lately, I have been procrastinating a lot. Come to think of it. It was because I was trying to escape the reality that I will be graduating ...

Isnin, 26 Julai 2021

 I am doing the final report for my degree now. It feel surreal how 5 years when by so fast. It seem like only yesterday I come here. Ya All...

Jumaat, 30 April 2021


April 30, 2021
 Salam, This post is only me ranting about my own achievement in life. Honestly I feel like my life is going downhill. My peak was during SP...

Ahad, 21 Februari 2021

 Assalamualaikum, Memandangkan sekarang saya final year student, kesibukkan saya kadang-kadang sampai lupa mau makan dan tidur. Nasib sekara...

Rabu, 2 Disember 2020

Jumaat, 30 Oktober 2020

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